Atlanta & Company Talk Show
December 01, 2015
Non-Toxic Holidays | Jennifer Hankey of HealthyGreenSchools.com and TheGreenQueen.com

KITV4 Morning News
November 01, 2014
Get eco-friendly with your gift wrapping
Featured again in 2021
Hawaii Public Radio
December 24, 2013
HPR’s Derek Malama:
“This Christmas we’ll hopefully receive and give away a bunch of gifts wrapped in in beautiful packaging. But from all the presents comes a lot of trash from used wrapping paper. Sara Smith is the founder of Wrappily, a new Maui based company that is trying to change the way we look at wrapping paper. She says that during the holidays we throw away enough of it to circle the world nine times and that fancy paper cannot be recycled due to the color and chemicals added to it. Wrappily uses the same kind of paper that your newspaper is printed on…but adds colors and patterns to turn it into giftwrap. Since it’s printed on a traditional newspaper press, it comes out folded in the same broadsheet style as a newspaper.”