November 29, 2015
Thanksgiving day marked our second anniversary, it had us feeling particularly grateful. Building on what we learned our first year, we continued to make strides with our product, packaging and process. Most importantly though, we are thankful to be continuing to do what we love, while working to make a difference. [Read our report from last year HERE.]
We are committed and completely passionate about bringing you the smartest gift wrap available. This year we added 30 fabulous new patterns to the shop, and expanded our offering to include specialty items like basket filler, ribbon, and gift tags.
Another thing that has us counting our lucky stars, is the amazingly creative and hardworking artists and designers we've had the pleasure of collaborating with. We're honored to call them friends.
In reflecting on the last year, a few highlights stand out. First was the Earth Day Design Contest we hosted in April. Not only did talented designers from around the globe enter submissions, our community came out in force to cast their votes. We're still on a high from recently being named a finalist in Martha Stewart's American Made Awards. And lastly—and a bit more behind the scenes—was the launch of our custom projects division. We've discovered that putting our concept and know-how to work for other businesses looking to create a unique product is endlessly thrilling and rewarding.
Here's to our terrific twos! Our endless thanks go out to you for helping make this journey possible.
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